Top banks in Pennsylvania ranked by best interest rate.
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Car rates are for 60 months. The rates listed are the best offered by the top banks in PA for A-tier credit scores.
The APR listed may change at any time. Rates vary based on application date, terms, and credit rating. Sort rates by clicking the top of the list. |
First National Bank of Pennsylvania FNB of PA was established in 1864 and provides 190 banks in Pennsylvania plus 170 more locations across the USA. Anyone can join by opening a checking account with no monthly fees when electronic statements are selected. First National Bank is managed by Vincent Delie who joined in 2005 and became chief executive in 2009. Vince got his degree in finance from the Penn State University. Car Rate: House Rate: Credit Card:
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Truist Bank
Truist was created in 1872 and has 150 banks in Pennsylvania and over 2000 locations across the USA. Anyone can join by starting a checking account with a $12 fee that's omitted when direct deposits exceed $500 per month. Truist Bank is led by William H Rogers who took over as President in 2008 when it was still SunTrust. Bill learned business from UNC, and has worked for Truist and its predecessors for his entire career over 40-plus years. Car Rate: House Rate: Credit Card:
Bank of America BOA was founded in 1904 and offers 70 banks in Pennsylvania and 3800 branches nationwide. Residents can get started on an account with a $4.95 service fee that is waived when a $500 balance is maintained. Bank of America is run by Brian Moynihan who started in 2004 and became chief executive in 2010. Brian played rugby and studied history at Brown University, and got his law degree from Notre Dame. Car Rate: House Rate: Credit Card:
M&T Bank
MTB was founded in 1856 and has over 130 locations in Pennsylvania. Residents can get started on a checking account without a minimum balances or a service charge. M&T is headed by René Jones who started in 1992 and worked his way up to CFO in 2005 prior to becoming CEO in 2017. René was born in Ayer, Mass, and studied business at Boston College before learning accounting from Ernst & Young.
PNC Financial
PNC was established in 1804 and is the largest bank in Pennsylvania by locations with over 270 branches in state. Anyone can open an account with a $7 monthly fee which is waived when direct deposits exceed $500. PNC is led by William Demchak who started as Chief Financial Officer in 2002, and was appointed President in 2013. Bill was born in Pittsburgh on August 24th, 1962. He studied accounting at the University of Michigan.
JPMorgan Chase Bank Chase was established in 1799 and has over 65 branches in Pennsylvania and 4900 locations across the US. Anyone can open an account with a $12 monthly fee that is waived after electronic deposits exceed $500, or an account balance over $1500 is maintained. Chase is run by Jamie Dimon, who has been Chairman of the Board since December 2006 and Chief Executive Officer since December 2005. Jamie was born on March 13th, 1956 in New York City. He learned economics at Tufts and began his career at American Express. |
KeyBank first opened in 1849 and has over 90 banks in Pennsylvania and 984 branches nationwide. Anyone can open an account for standard checking without service fees. KeyBank is headed by Chris Gorman who was hired in 2002 as a corporate banker and became CEO in 2020. Chris studied finance at MU.
Fulton Bank
Fulton was created in 1882 and has 110 branches in Pennsylvania. Anyone can join by opening an checking account without service fees. Fulton Bank is run by Curtis Myers who joined the company in 1990, and worked his way up through many executive positions prior to becoming CEO in 2023.
Huntington National Bank
Huntington was created in 1866 and has over 48 locations in Pennsylvania and 1175 branches nationwide. Anyone can join by starting a checking account with a $10 fee that's omitted when direct deposits exceed $1000 per month. Huntington is led by Stephen Steinour who took over in 2009. Steve is from Pennsylvania and learned economics at Gettysburg College. He began his career as an analyst for the US Treasury Department.
Northwest Bank Northwest first opened in 1896 and has 80 locations in Pennsylvania. Anyone can open an account for standard checking without service fees. Northwest is headed by Louis Torchio who joined in 2018 and became CEO in 2022. Louis studied finance at Franklin University. |