Montana registration fees are calculated from the MSRP sticker value for new and used vehicles.
Enter the original sticker price as the value in the registration calculator to discover the fees due for the next 2 years.
Use these plate fees to calculate monthly car payments in our MT car payment calculator.
How Montana Registration Works
Montana tag fees are based on assessed values that decrease yearly after the initial registration until reaching the minimum fee.
EVs and PHEVs have additional fees that vary by weight class. Trucks have fees that vary by model year and location.
The Montana registration calculator automatically finds how much transfers and renewals cost by comparing the current year to the model year and original value of the car.
Where Montana Tag Fees Go
Montana tag fees are used to maintain local roads and state highways. If you pay $ in Montana car registration fees over the next 5 years:
Tag estimates are listed for reference only.
Final registration cost will vary depending on vehicle value, fuel source, and renewal date.