Top credit unions in Nevada ranked by best APR.
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WestStar Credit Union WestStar CU was established in 1975 and has over 25,000 members at 5 credit unions in Nevada. It was chartered for employees of Las Vegas casinos owned by Howard Hughes, the famous aviator and inventor of the Spruce Goose. The first branch was inside the Silver Slipper Casino. The main field of membership includes Nevada casino employees and Nevada Auto Club members. All Nevada residents can qualify for membership by making a donation to the Friends of Wilderness as listed in the ways to join. WestStar ranks #1 on our 2025 credit union list for competitive rates on all loan types with top customer service. Financing offers include homes, equity lines, vehicles, and unique offers for first-time car buyers. Headquarters: 2775 S Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146 |
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Clark County Credit Union
CCCU was founded in 1951 and has 55,000 members from 8 credit unions in Nevada. The first members were civil service employees, but now all Nevada residents can qualify for membership through KNPR as listed in the ways to join CCCU. Headquarters: 2625 North Tenaya Way, Las Vegas, NV 89128
One Nevada Credit Union One Nevada CU was chartered in 1950. It serves 85,000 members from 16 locations. The first members were civilian employees at the Vegas Air Base. The ways to join include residents in Clark, Nye, or Washoe counties. Headquarters: 2645 South Mojave Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89121 |
Silver State Schools Credit Union
SSSCU was created in 1951 by 7 educators at Las Vegas High School, but now it has over 65,000 members at 11 credit unions in Nevada. Membership is focused on residents affiliated with Nevada education, but anyone can become a member as listed in the ways to join SSSCU. Headquarters: 630 Trade Center Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89119
Boulder Dam Credit Union
BDCU was founded in 1940 to give Boulder City locals a way to bank without driving the unpaved road to Las Vegas. It has 25,000 clients from 1 branch The field of membership is limited to Boulder City, and 90% of Boulder City residents are members. BDCU would rank higher on the 2025 list of top credit unions in Nevada if it had a wider field of membership with more branches. Headquarters: 530 Avenue G, Boulder City, NV 89006
Sierra Pacific Federal Credit Union Founded in 1936, SPFCU serves 15,000 members from 5 unions in Nevada. All NV residents can join through the Nevada Alumni Association as listed in the ways to join SPFCU. Headquarters: 6100 Neil Rd, Reno, NV 89511 |
Great Basin Federal Credit Union
GBFCU was founded in 1951 to serve telephone company employees. It has over 24,000 clients at 3 branches. The field of membership includes the northern Nevada counties of Canyon, Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Gem, Humboldt, Lander, Lyon, Owyhee, Pershing, Storey, and Washoe. Headquarters: 9770 South Virginia St, Reno, NV 89511
Elko Federal Credit Union
Founded in 1960 for Elko City employees, EFCU serves 14,000 members at 4 unions. The field of membership includes the counties of Lander, Eureka, Elko, Humboldt, Pershing, Churchill, Carson City, Douglas, Lyon, Storey, Washoe, and White Pine. Headquarters: 2397 Mountain City Hwy, Elko, NV 89801
Financial Horizons Credit Union
FHCU was chartered in 1947 to serve civil service workers at the Naval Depot on Walker Lake. It has 16,000 clients at 5 branches in Nevada. The ways to join include residents in Carson City and the counties of Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Mineral, Nye, Pershing, Storey, Washoe, and White Pine. Headquarters: 895 E St, Hawthorne, NV 89415
Greater Nevada Credit Union Established in 1949, GNCU is the largest credit union in Nevada with over 90,000 members at 18 branches. All Nevada residents are eligible for membership as listed in the ways to join GNCU. Headquarters: 451 Eagle Station Ln, Carson City, NV 89701 |