Top credit unions in NH ranked by best APR.
Sort the best APR by loan type, and see how these rates affect car payments in our NH car payment calculator. Car rates are for 72 months. The rates listed are the best offered by the top credit unions in New Hampshire for A-tier credit scores.
The APR listed may change at any time. Rates vary based on application date, terms, and credit rating. Sort rates by clicking the top of the list. |
St Mary's Bank SMB was established in 1909 and has 100,000 members at 13 credit unions in New Hampshire. St Mary's Bank was the first credit union in America. It was created to support millworkers on the Amoskeag River, but now anyone can join. SMB ranks #1 on our 2025 credit union list for competitive rates on all loan types with top customer service. Financing offers include homes, cars, boats, motorcycles, RVs, snowmobiles, small businesses, and more. Headquarters: 200 McGregor St, Manchester, NH 03102 |
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Triangle Credit Union TCU was established in 1939 and has over 60,000 members at 8 branches in New Hampshire. The first members were papermakers at the Gummed and Coated Paper Company. The ways to join include residents in Hillsborough, Merrimack, Belknap, Rockingham, and Cheshire County. Headquarters: 33 Franklin St, Nashua, NH 03064 |
New Hampshire Federal Credit Union
NHFCU was established in 1941 and serves over 15,000 customers at 2 locations. The main field of membership includes NH State employees, but all New Hampshire residents can qualify as listed in the ways to join. Headquarters: Union 70 Airport Rd, Concord, NH 03301
Bellwether Community Credit Union BCCU was founded in 1921 for telephone linemen. It has over 30,000 clients at 3 branches. All NH residents are eligible for membership. Headquarters: 425 Hooksett Rd, Manchester, NH 03104 |
Service Credit Union Service CU was founded in 1957 and has 360,000 customers at 40 branches in NH. It's the largest credit union in New Hampshire, but it began with a few Air Force pilots in Portsmouth. The main field of membership includes active-duty military, but all NH residents can qualify through the ACC as listed in the ways to join Service CU. Headquarters: 3003 Lafayette Rd, Portsmouth, NH 03801 |