Renewal date set by last name
Plate renews based on last name
Trucks over 11,000 pounds have additional fees
Indiana registration fees are calculated from the MSRP sticker value for new and used vehicles.
Enter the original sticker price as the value in the registration calculator to discover the cost of first-time registrations and renewals.
Use these plate fees to calculate monthly car payments in our IN car payment calculator.
How Indiana Registration Works
Indiana car registration has a renewal date determined by the first four letters of the primary owner's last name.
Plate fees are prorated during the first registration to include the months remaining until the next renewal. These car tag fees decrease yearly until reaching the minimum cost by the 10th year.
The IN tag fee calculator finds how much transfers and renewals cost by comparing the current date to the renewal date.
Where Indiana Plate Fees Go
IN registration fees are used to build and maintain local Indiana roads and state highways.
For example, if you pay $ for Indiana car registration over the next 3 years:
Use calculator for combined totals
When estimating plate fees for Indiana, remember that the first registration may include a prorated fee to cover the term until the renewal date which is determined by the last name of the primary owner. Future renewals are 12 month intervals.
Tag estimates are listed for reference only.
Final registration cost will vary depending on vehicle type, exact weight, fuel source, and renewal date.